Monday, August 1, 2022

Life philosophy when you being push a button, your brain reactions its you seeing a TV, inside the character, whichever your cousin, your sibling, you wish them dead.

Whatever that context? You can write a piece of the sample writing about it. How is that evolve with your spirituality? Why you wish that fame be only yours, not on your family member, to wish them happy, healthy, becoming....grander and bigger, their life might already you know it, its every little things they suffered, they suffered this they suffer that, they insecure this, they insecure that....

So that from the buttom of your heart, you have really wish them evolve to turn good will, and for anything that come across the path to harm, its each individual person's choice, that is whether that guy on my own facebook, because its also their free will choice. I wish them truly happy, but I often know it.....just looking at certain facts, or I used to never think of it, I will tell you, I never think about it what the guys wants.

Its really your 3 meals believing, you are Chinese says "Thousand Gold Big Youth Girl" 

Not big mouth lady, big mouth girl. 千金大小姐

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