Monday, August 1, 2022

I am back now, missing Chicken groups. MB: I was more thinking my own website.

You don't have a website, that is 2f.


I go to lunch

He also prefer you, also telling everyone this small tiny ring bells things you have to do.

Because this meant to him A LOT!

Life philosophy when you being push a button, your brain reactions its you seeing a TV, inside the character, whichever your cousin, your sibling, you wish them dead.

Whatever that context? You can write a piece of the sample writing about it. How is that evolve with your spirituality? Why you wish that fame be only yours, not on your family member, to wish them happy, healthy, becoming....grander and bigger, their life might already you know it, its every little things they suffered, they suffered this they suffer that, they insecure this, they insecure that....

So that from the buttom of your heart, you have really wish them evolve to turn good will, and for anything that come across the path to harm, its each individual person's choice, that is whether that guy on my own facebook, because its also their free will choice. I wish them truly happy, but I often know it.....just looking at certain facts, or I used to never think of it, I will tell you, I never think about it what the guys wants.

Its really your 3 meals believing, you are Chinese says "Thousand Gold Big Youth Girl" 

Not big mouth lady, big mouth girl. 千金大小姐

He also needs geography and music

That is per page, listing on the navigation or you mean they do it themselves? 

"I do it myself".

He needs your art formats to be....

As those following format listings, a real thing to put on the market. The Indian 500 years old says. That kinds of arts, not the system design arts paint drawing.

He Indian 500 years old, wants to see those arrays line and cross of the lawsuit, neatly display below this page, like....every website he sees Anna does those IPad slide up or down, or everyone else slide up or down.

Lawsuit to Climate Change, what can you input the "fake" or "imagination" lawsuit thesis?

1. Their focus on Carbon netural

2. To that one part of the partial to lock down methane....its to warning all the industry waste standard, because the real protocol coming out of the COP 16, it would not be just two words of saying what is the Greenhouse gas that simple says. There are regulation and standards to meet up the deadline on the global temperature must be halt on increasing by certain years, and every country must abide to their pleage.

I think that is UN says. I am not sure its everything sounds like what I understand this far anything if I cannot see what SMCH went or hear, or sees... other than me keep seeing the hand shakes, or headphone.

From the industrialist points of views, my jobs have nothing but cleaning up waste river, stream, upstream, downstream, to my the only goal in really a job hunting ends results....gulf oil for example. Its as long as you imagine the economic growth, that price taken, the pollutant to how far it went, in the last 30 years seeing the human growth on the plastic, to become the culture of credits cards Fast Speed Lifestyle - The Plastic groups. 

Background: I never really taken those jobs as the nuclear waste clean up like the Russian harvesting the mushroom on their nuclear factory explosion. But when I was growing up, to check up all the plastic bubble tea cup below numbering how to recycle, or those Steve Jobs Biography on how to make money on picking up the recycle bottles, these things are regulated under the New York State Laws the recycling plans.....I done the one day, to find out, they only taken the water bottle. The New York States.

I collect not the only New York State Water Bottle, however.

Its the entire NSC waste bottle after class, in the evening, I am one person collects all those junks to tell you.....anything I see the color of the bottles are not wanted. Only the transparent Aqua, but your foot works will never make it those stairs, or one NSC walking every classroom. I had 4 blocks. I just done it too intuitively. 


To the definition the Sun to us, the Earth

One revolution around the sun = One revolution

365 days its our solar system, the Earth habitat sphere allowances to "allow the human life to populate on the surface of the Earth." In which means, there are temperature and the water or the water vapor exists, that holding up that Earth sphere in breathing condition, what we define the Creation are must be breathing only on Oxygen.

That is the definition how we human related to another being, they must breathing on Oxygen.

Oxygen that is, not 4/5 Nitrogen or 1/5 Oxygen divide, to say, there is any room for the methane to talk about the explosion, that would be terrible.

No one exists in this context, that is the purely definition we see nothing else creation other than human on Earth, Mars are the barren lands. Its an official notice from NASA. Their Surface of the Mars. 

Continue of the Last Website on the Climate Change


In the inter-change position of the Sun and Earth, there is a season that sew the crops of the algricultural calendars. Some says the lunar calendars. In the Chinese Ancient literacy, we say its what we seeing the Gods of the Sky that given us the Rice abundance to survive. 

To the Time itself, there are the seasons.

To the Time of the Space Itself, its might be distortion to that Light entry, when they define the Black holes.

Both these definition might be what we know of to that simply... our life modern in the Digital frames lock-in, we do not nourish our-self to the God's grace and divine lights, to truly grasp them the reason other than the work reason, and let that be the only reason to quest that hunger curiosity.